IMO 2005 Photos

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François receives Bronze

Photo by Official IMO photography. All photos available in higher resolution on request.

About this website

From July 11 to July 19, 2005, a team of six Belgian students headed to Merida, Mexico, where they met teams from 90 other countries to participate in the 46th International Mathematical Olympiad. The atmosphere in the international community was really fantastic and the experience will never be forgotten. This website was created by Belgian team member Stijn Vermeeren to enable the Belgian team and their friends to exchange pictures of the trip to Mexico.

Here are the results of the Belgian team, which put Belgium on the 40th place on the country ranking list.

BEL1Maarten De BoeckFlanders0107008Honorable Mention
BEL2Guolong LiFlanders27073726Silver Medal
BEL3Stijn VermeerenFlanders0100078Honorable Mention
BEL4François CrucifixWallony2111106
BEL5David FrenayWallony3112007
BEL6François GonzeWallony27620219Bronze Medal

Please send your photos

Do you have photos of the Belgian IMO team or more general IMO photos? Send your own images! Request my e-mail adress. Send me all your photos!

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If you need any help, please ask. I will make sure the photo's appear correctly on the website. You may include a description for each photo if you want.

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Total: 143 photos.

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